Saturday, July 11, 2009

aguq calientes, machupicchu and waynapicchu

Today we visited machupicchu y Waynapicchu! It was amazing!! Fue IncREIBLE!!!!!!!!

Elizabeth and I arrived in Aguas calientes yesterday evening via Peru Rail - no estamos tan hard core como sus amigos quien estan hiking por todo de Sur America y quien camaron desde Cusco hasta machu picchu, pero bueno, por lo menos subimos waynapicchu!

we arrived last night in the incredibly cute but terribly touristy town of agua calientes. after wondering through millions of miles of artisan market, we found a restaurant y tuvimos pizza y cheesecake - besides being super expensive, it was pretty good. we ran into a group of teach for america kids who we hung out with for a while until the rest of our group arrived on the last train at 10 30. the hotel Jackie found for us was totally amazing, and had the only down comforter I;ve ever seen in South America - so luxurious!

the beginning of the day was ridiculous thoough - empezo con nosotros levantandonos a las 3 45 AM! corriendo por el estacion del bus para comprar los billetes, esperando por 1 hora por el bus, corriendo otra vez cuando llegemos al cumbre para cojer billetes para waynapicchu, because the only let in the first 200 people... we were in the 60s but only because we ran across the ruins and straight to the gate to waynapicchu as soon as we were let in - it was a bit ludicrous, but we ended up being one of the first groups up waynapicchu this morning and it was glorious!

we also ran into a group of kids from south africa who are biking through south america, which after writing for lonely planet, is my second dream job... although i guess it;s not technically a job... :)

after waynapichu we got a guide who led us through the ruins and told us all about the history of the mountain and the incans who lived there and the spanish who chased them out and then the rediscovery of the ruins in the previous century. it was so amazing!

by the time we came down from the mountain we were famished, we sat and read while esperando para el tren. cuando regresamos a ollantaytambo, fuimos al un restaurante y yo comi lo mas que he comido en este viaje! estoy tan cansada ahora... voy a dormir... mas manana!

Hasta pronto!

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